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Home / Bull breaks horn during bull festival in Spain

Bull breaks horn during bull festival in Spain


On Sunday, July 7, a bull broke a horn during a bull festival in Godelleta (Valencia), Spain. The animal lost a lot of blood. He was attached to a rope – tripped and fell when participants of the bull festival pulled the rope. The event was filmed, causing a great commotion on social media.


Bull breaks horn during bull festival in Spain

As seen in the video, the animal was frightened by the crowds and noise around him. In addition, the men pulling the animal’s rope do not want the bleeding animal to be filmed. They yell at the maker of the video to turn off her phone. Estefania Pampin Zuidmeer, CAS International campaigner:

“Cases of extreme animal suffering during bull festivals are increasingly shown in the Spanish media and social media, resulting in much criticism. The men in the video clearly want to prevent images of the bleeding bull from getting out. Fortunately, the brave woman has made sure the video can be seen on socials.”

Frank van Eerdenburg, cattle veterinarian:

“Breaking a horn is extremely painful for a bull. A horn doesn’t just break and there are many nerves running to it. The whole situation is terrible and very stressful for this animal.”

Watch the footage below. Beware, these are shocking images.

Exhausted animals

CAS International and AnimaNaturalis conducted a research on Spain’s bull festivals between 2020 and 2023. The country has about 18,000 bull festivals per year. Thanks to the research, we know that the organizers of the bull festivals often use the bulls and cows several times. Moreover, animal suffering is not limited to the bull festivals themselves. Transport is also exhausting for the animals. Once they arrive at their final destination, they often have to wait in the truck for hours without water and food. They are already exhausted when they are released for the bull feast. Some even die during transport.

In conclusion, from CAS International and AnimaNaturalis, we call for an end to bull festivals. Sign our petition!

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